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Accelerated Records Management (ARM) Framework.

ContentSilo announces a proven and effective framework focusing on the implementation aspects of records management at companies of all sizes.

There is no quick and easy solution for an Electronic Records Management implementation. The implementation is a confluence of technology, policies, processes, and change management. It is an often overlooked and underestimated solution that requires the highest level of stewardship over an extended period of time. Records Management, by its nature, is a continuously evolving process. The same can be said about the solution implementation, where the implementation and operations will have to co-exist for the life of a company.

What is ContentSilo’s ARM framework?

The framework consists of a series of process and technology artifacts to assist an organization in both building an electronic records management foundation and bringing business units on-board, simultaneously. This significantly reduces a common factor in majority of the implementations – lack of progress perception. Companies, following a traditional implementation methodology, spend an enormous amount of time and effort in building the baseline RM platform. More often than not, this creates an illusion of lack of progress, which usually results in loss of sponsorship from the senior management. The other extreme is bringing on business units prematurely onto a poorly constructed records management platform, which usually results in significant amount of time expended with limited scalability and significant rework for subsequent on-boarding of business units.

While ContentSilo’s Accelerated Records Management (ARM) Framework cannot be a magic wand to trivialize such a solution, it can certainly help an organization by:

  • Faster implementation of the records artifacts

  • Effective declaration practices

  • Robust disposition process

  • Multiple records management specific ‘worker’ utilities.

What this would NOT mean for an organization:
  • Short-cuts to define RM policies and procedures.

  • Quicker way to study, define, and inventory records.

What this would mean for an organization:
  • Sustainable electronic records management program.

  • Uniform processes and procedures, significantly enhancing operations.

  • Quicker and Continuous demonstration of RM capabilities.

  • Minimally intrusive methods to roll-out and implement.

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